The Ultimate Guide to Blue Light Glasses

Clear Vision, Bright Eyes

If you’ve ever laid awake at night wondering when (or even if) you’re going to get a few hours of sleep, you’ll know how bad having your sleep disrupted can make you feel. The effects of sleep loss are numerous from piling on the pounds to negatively impacting mental health. Luckily, there are a few simple ways you can improve your sleep that don’t require resorting to pharmaceutical intervention. One of these is blue light glasses.

They aren’t just for sleep, either. If a day spent working on your laptop tends to result in headaches or sore eyes, you can benefit from this technology to improve your general health.

What are Blue Light Glasses?

Blue light glasses are made with lenses that reduce the amount of blue light that reaches the eye. The potentially harmful blue light tends to come from electronic screens such as tablets and phones, so if you can’t resist scrolling social media before bed, blue light-blocking glasses can at least reduce the damage.

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Blue light makes up a third of all the light we see. There are other ways to reduce the blue light your eyes are exposed to during the day - many contemporary phone models even have a ‘warm mode’ - but wearing these glasses remains one of the most effective.

What Benefits Do These Glasses Provide?

1. Protect your Eye Health Long-Term

We’d never dream of going weeks without brushing our teeth or refusing the visit the doctor with a serious illness, but for some reason, the health of our eyes often gets overlooked.

Wearing sunglasses avoids harmful UV rays while wearing blue light glasses is one of the easiest ways to benefit your eye health and future-proofing eyesight for the long term.

2. Prevent Eye Strain

Eye strain can occur as a result of various issues, so if you’re experiencing extreme eye strain, make sure to contact your eye doctor before trying any other avenues. If your eye strain seems to come from looking at digital screens for a prolonged time, they can help.

By reducing eye strain, you may find yourself able to look at a screen for longer, which can benefit your working routine.

3. Improve Sleep

We’ve all heard that scrolling your phone before bed can disrupt your sleep, but there’s truth in it. Blue light messes with your ability to get a good night’s sleep because it disrupts your body’s production of a hormone called melatonin.

Melatonin is key to helping you feel sleepy, allowing you to experience a regular sleep pattern. If you don’t get enough melatonin, your body struggles to make you feel tired, leaving you lying awake at night, finding it impossible to get your much-needed rest.

4. Relieve Headaches

If you experience regular headaches with no cause, it’s worth seeking advice from a medical professional. If these headaches come after prolonged use of digital devices, however, wearing them can certainly help.

You may also experience an improvement in posture from not having to stoop because of eye strain.

When to Wear Blue Light Glasses

We recommend wearing these glasses when:

  • You’re exposed to the glare from a digital device for a prolonged period.
  • You’re exposed to LED bulbs for an extended period.
  • You’re spending time outdoors but don’t have access to sunglasses.

Where to Buy Blue Light Glasses

Talk to your optometrist if you already wear prescription glasses and want some with the dual function of blue light blocking. They’ll likely be able to recommend a prescription glasses provider that can filter blue light.

There are also tons of options on Amazon that are affordable, stylish, and perfect for reducing UV glare and eye strain.

If you’re willing to spend more money and interested in blue-light-blocking glasses that are slightly higher quality, try Glasses USA. The online retailer has a full range of them here, designed to help reduce eye strain and allow you to enjoy a more peaceful night’s sleep.

Blue Light Defense

Blue light glasses have multiple benefits, including reducing eye strain and making it easier to sleep. Alongside using them to improve sleep, it’s worth practicing good sleep hygiene, such as reducing caffeine, getting enough sunlight during the day, and maintaining a regular sleep routine.

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