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cell phone providers

In today’s day and age, cell phones aren’t just a nice-to-have - they’re a must-have. We use our cell phones for everything from calling family and friends to uploading on social media to running...

In today’s day and age, cell phones aren’t just a nice-to-have - they’re a must-have. We use our cell phones for everything from calling family and friends to uploading on social media to running businesses. With that in mind, it’s never been more important...

unknown facts about dubai

Dubai, a city situated on the Persian Gulf coast of the United Arab Emirates, is a fascinating place filled with rich history, unmissable landmarks and endless activities. While the city has become best known...

Dubai, a city situated on the Persian Gulf coast of the United Arab Emirates, is a fascinating place filled with rich history, unmissable landmarks and endless activities. While the city has become best known for its luxury and exciting desert tours, as it turns...

unknown facts about germany

10 Unknown Facts About Germany

Germany, a country rich in history, culture and innovation, often surprises even seasoned travelers with its unique facets. One thing is the hop-on hop-off bus tours, a popular and fun way to venture around Germany while sightseeing. Beyond the...

Germany, a country rich in history, culture and innovation, often surprises even seasoned travelers with its unique facets. One thing is the hop-on hop-off bus tours, a popular and fun way to venture around Germany while sightseeing. Beyond the popular landmarks and well-known facts, here are ten intriguing and lesser-known facts about Germany that might just pique your curiosity. Germany's autobahn is famous for having stretches with no speed limit, making it a paradise for speed enthusiasts. However, many...

cybersecurity software

Top 5 Cybersecurity Software for Your Home or Business

A cyber attack happens when an individual or a group of underhanded people try their best to gain access to another person’s or company’s pertinent information. They will then use the data for financial gains, blackmail or to make...

A cyber attack happens when an individual or a group of underhanded people try their best to gain access to another person’s or company’s pertinent information. They will then use the data for financial gains, blackmail or to make someone’s life a living hell. And this doesn’t just happen to individuals or smaller companies. As mentioned above, a data breach is one of the most common cyber attacks; this happens when the security is bypassed through weak passwords or...

stress and anxiety management

How to Manage Stress, Anxiety & Depression

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, anxiety is the most common mental health condition in the United States. The American Institute of Stress reports that 55% of Americans are stressed throughout the day, which is 20%...

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, anxiety is the most common mental health condition in the United States. The American Institute of Stress reports that 55% of Americans are stressed throughout the day, which is 20% more than the global average! When stress and anxiety go unmanaged, it can take a toll on us physically and emotionally, increasing the likelihood of depression, high blood pressure and heart attacks, compromising our immune function. With 41% of Americans...

man wearing blue light glasses

The Ultimate Guide to Blue Light Glasses

If you’ve ever laid awake at night wondering when (or even if) you’re going to get a few hours of sleep, you’ll know how bad having your sleep disrupted can make you feel. The effects of sleep loss are...

If you’ve ever laid awake at night wondering when (or even if) you’re going to get a few hours of sleep, you’ll know how bad having your sleep disrupted can make you feel. The effects of sleep loss are numerous from piling on the pounds to negatively impacting mental health. Luckily, there are a few simple ways you can improve your sleep that don’t require resorting to pharmaceutical intervention. One of these is blue light glasses. They aren’t just...