
eyelash serum

Perhaps you know that as many as five lashes fall off your eyelids every day or that each eyelash has a lifespan of about 140 days - but did you know that you can...

Perhaps you know that as many as five lashes fall off your eyelids every day or that each eyelash has a lifespan of about 140 days - but did you know that you can use serums and conditioners to enhance your lashes? The desire...

best shampoo and conditioner

As we get older, we become wiser, and our bodies change. Our skin changes, and we start to age. Aging is a privilege that not everyone gets, and that’s amazing! But did you know...

As we get older, we become wiser, and our bodies change. Our skin changes, and we start to age. Aging is a privilege that not everyone gets, and that’s amazing! But did you know that as you get older, your hair changes as well?...

eyebrow microblading

What is Eyebrow Microblading?

Brows, brows, brows! For some of us, styling our brows is one of the most important aspects of achieving the perfect makeup look. From using brow products sold via beauty brands to seeing a professional, there are many ways...

Brows, brows, brows! For some of us, styling our brows is one of the most important aspects of achieving the perfect makeup look. From using brow products sold via beauty brands to seeing a professional, there are many ways to style your eyebrows. One of the ways to do this is by microblading. But what is eyebrow microblading, and what are the benefits? Well, let’s find out! According to Cosmopolitan, eyebrow microblading is “a semi-permanent form of cosmetic tattooing” that requires the use of a “blade-shaped tool with a...

how to prevent wrinkles

How to Prevent Wrinkles

Wrinkles are something that we can't prevent and will face sooner or later. Everyone's face develops wrinkles as they get older, while genetics may play a crucial role in your skin's aging process. With time, our face loses fullness,...

Wrinkles are something that we can't prevent and will face sooner or later. Everyone's face develops wrinkles as they get older, while genetics may play a crucial role in your skin's aging process. With time, our face loses fullness, and we also lose elasticity. Also, did you know that we lose 1% of collagen each year as we get older? It means that you should invest more time & care in your skin maintenance as you age. Both environmental factors and individual decisions can cause aging. Keep reading to...